I used to eat M&M’s and drink Coke for breakfast.
During my senior year of college I was struggling to stay awake in my 8:30 am class. And coffee just made me sleepier. So, for the sake of my education and my future, I crammed a ton of sugar in my body each morning just to stay awake.
It never dawned on me that I might have a health problem.
Fast forward to my 30th birthday. . .
A few days after my 30th birthday I was so achy, sore, depressed, and sick that I couldn’t even get out of bed. My body hurt in places I didn’t even know it was possible to hurt in.
I was tired of being tired. I was sick of being sick. I was done with being depressed. I was catching every virus and bug and getting strep throat every single season. This had gone on for a decade and I wanted to get answers on what was really going on in my body.
And then the answer came. My doctor diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. I did not even know how to say Hashimoto’s at the time, let alone what it actually was.
Thus began my health journey.
I did an elimination diet. I cut out gluten, dairy, and grains. I took supplements. I exercised (a little). I learned to eat nourishing, whole foods. And I learned how to cook them in such a way that I didn’t even want the old processed junk I used to eat. I eliminated all the toxins and all the things that were hurting my body. And I began to feel great!
I began “managing” Hashimoto’s. I managed it so well it didn’t seem to hinder my life at all.
Then something happened. . .
The pandemic of 2020 hit and the world went a little crazy. Suddenly my thyroid medications were all being recalled and were becoming more and more difficult to get. My doctor told me I couldn’t function without my medicine; without it my thyroid might give up completely.
What was I going to do?
I began to ask “Can I still live a vibrant life without this medication?”
I got a lot of mixed answers. But, I pushed into the question even harder.
I did a ton of research, made a ton of lifestyle changes, and had a deep and strong belief that I could actually be well and whole.
After believing and making all of these changes I am ecstatic to report . . .
I am well and no longer have a low thyroid!
It has been a roller coaster of a journey, but it has been a beautiful journey to becoming the healthiest and truest version of myself.
Wherever you are in your health journey I created Eat it up Yum to help you live a healthy, whole, and vibrant life.
Maybe you are allergic to dairy and you miss real ice cream. Maybe you are allergic to gluten and you are tired of everything being off limits, or, just tasteless. Perhaps you don’t have any food allergies at all but you want to eat healthier food and live a satisfying and vibrant life. Follow along as I share my gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free recipes. As well as helpful tips on cooking. Let’s journey together and become our truest selves living healthy, whole, and vibrant lives.
Go ahead— eat it up! Yum!
Hi, I’m Elisha! I live a yummy and vibrant life without gluten, grains, or dairy. I live in the Ozarks with my beautiful family. We enjoy good food, riding bikes, being outdoors, reading books, building Lego, and going on adventures together.

Interested in recipes, courses, classes, coaching, food photography, or just want to drop a little note? Contact me at eatitupyum.elisha@gmail.com